Today's post shall be in the form of disjointed thoughts!
I have found this site that amuses me so : BUNNY
Its like, the cousin of suicide bunny. ADORABILIS. But beware to take in small doses, since too much just seems to reduce its entertainment and cuteness value.
Today went for 24/7 prayer. I was very happy to see some people there :D walked home, was very very retardedly happy
Moleyman is attempting to seduce customers over the phone with his sexy voice, and he has recently revealed his secret superpower to me!
My superpower, on the other hand, is the ability to turn anything sexual and make you think dirty thoughts :D now how awesome is that.
Bossman is SO in love with his squeal-inducingly cute husky! And I'm very worried about what he got me for christmas.
I totally miss GY, and I keep on thinking of the moment during our POTC marathon when the cannibal jumped out and ALL of us screamed bloody murder, exceot for Amelia who sat on her chair and smugly went " I KNEW that was going to happen"
I like long plane rides cause I have this thing for watching plane movies and the way I get served foodinstead of having to get it myself, and talking to all the sian people whom I find wandering about. And I love being able to look out of the window and see like, great weather all the time.
Is it real this time then? I havnt really liked someone so much so fast before, and for no particular reason even. Maybe the time away from you and your smile will be a good way of testing my shallowness.
I'm going to miss poking all of you guys for the next two weeks. You guys just totally make my day without even knowing it with the late night to Early morning phone calls, random sweet messages, lame-ass jokes, threats, blackmail that will never happen.
And here I sound like I'm leaving forever, so this ends here, you guys can get my full sappiness in your christmas cards :D
Paris + Luxembourg, 12-21st!
BRB, (Iasilwjs)