School hasnt started but I love it already haha
sorted into the group Nautilus (naughtylust / not the last) with Cass, subgroup captain Nemo.
It was an awesome 3 days 2 fights, as Gerard, Camp leader would say.
And heres our nice nice nautilus flag, with yes, matthews head in one of the holes. I only managed to snap this on the last day.
Throughout the camp, it was a sort of ongoing competition to steal each others flags and stuff, which resulted in many screaming chases, with the perpetrator running as fast as they could to their group for protection. Highly amusing
My awesome nail (s)
I painted some of my nails due to sheer boredom before camp, and was too lazy to remove it. So my nails somehow survived throughout camp without a single scratch in the polish (kid you not) haha. For my loves, you all know this is a freaking miracle
Meet jieming (sp?)
One of the quietest but most random guys in Captain Nemo. You cant see it here, but hes got a gnarley earring.
Yes, meet Matthew.He and his soul patch. (if you look very, VERY closely you can see it.) He has the awesomest cheekopek laugh and face ever. And see his floofy hair haha. We had so much fun with that, and helping him scout for boobie girls everyday. The only time you can pat him on the head is when he is sitting down cause he is like 2 METERS TALL I SWEAR. Make me feel like such a shortass ahhhhhh wudfk,jdsmedjksns.
Very very tired yet wierdly adorable cass and cute matty in the background ( why do you look cute here?)
NAOMI heh. My fellow eye-candy oogler and major rain fan, and btw, shes korean, And kinda awesome.
HAHAH GRAYSON. Hes wearing the stupid astronaut thing we made out of newspapers. At least, I think it was an astronaut thing. And he sings funny songs about policeman and vampires. He is also 18, but no one believes him at all haha poor guy. He also hates it when his hair has no VOLUME.
Putting Keenan and Larrius's headbanging lessons into practice astronaut style
And this is Edward. Not edward wong please, (nyah) And I dunno why this is the only photo I have of him. He is the edwardiser bunnehhhhh. And he sucks your energy so do not go near him early in the morning before you have fortified yourself or he will suck your brainjuice. He also has yet to grasp the concept of you have to be THIS tall to go on THIS ride */lame inside joke/
Other people I met yet dont have photos of are EVELYN (another musketta) shes cute :D
NOEL- my bitch yo. Does an awesome shabooya (and no thats not the jap beef thingy), plus helps me scout for guys. I think I also have started to unconscioulsy count the number of times he says bitch or variations thereof. AWESOMENESSS :D
Keenan- complete wackjob, and gremlin king. Turns out he WAS teh one who scared me on the nightwalk with his shirtlessness and stuff. Also, an awesome headbanging guy and my hair bro yo. =D
HAHA ok on to camp.
Very very fun, managed to scream my voice away again. Many many games, thank god none too disgusting (like food twister. eurgh. )
the things that stood out for me were
haha the music was super amusing please. Started with this bangrah thing (sham youd love it) then moved on to a very sadistic clip going BANG BANG I TAKE YOUR MONEY most of the time. And I think Loga and jojo aka shake butt man doing the dance was super amusing
cause, the guys can take as long as or even longer then teh girls, even when they have like NO HAIR PLEASE haha. And uh, once again, no one saw the use of the changing area. And once again, I decided not to scare everybody. so yeap. Wet, uncomfortable sticks-to-your-back t shirt.
haha super retarded, cause we couldnt decide whether to sleep or not. Succumbed around 3 in the end, with cass next to me keeping an eye on and squealing about somebodae haha.
ohman ok I was freaking scared. The movie (1408) was freaky, cass and i were screaming our heads off, and matty was like YAWNING ok annoying. And edward, oh ok he freaking FELL ASLEEP.Why do all teh guys I know except momo seem unaffected by these movies? The only time i rmb being unaffected was the time I went with Seth&co, and we were laughing at this man in the row in front of us. Wound up with us getting thrown out cause we made a nuisance of ourselves.
Then the actual walk was disgusting, I sandwiched myself between edward and cass SO I WAS SAFE haha. still, pretty damn freaky. Ok seriously, I dont usually get scared unless you tell me theres smth to be afraid of, and everyone was freaking out the whole way. And I think it was in the humans building that we got scared so bad, cass and I were really freaking outttttttttt. I mean, who wouldnt be scared by a shirtless, wierdly contorted keenan with some thingy wrapped around his head?
LAST NIGHT (yaeeeeee love!)
awesomeness. I felt abit bad at first cause toothpaste burns, but it was funny. And I think the statements that got wirrten on sleeping peeps were so retardedly amusing. The GLs also decided to sleep in a special little room with a glass window, which provided many amusing moments for us as we stared in at them unblinkingly, or posted signs eg " Monkeys for sale, 10cents only!" haha. And sat around telling lame jokes and stories. Basically, staying up so that no revenge could be taken. Then, it was too cold inside and we were hungry, so we went outside. We as in not all of the awake people, but Evelyn, Keenan and Edward. Sat about eating peanut butter (YAE!) and playing with the trolley thingy ( which we decided is such a fun mode of transport it should be legalised. ) Keenan was informed of what it means when you stuff your finger into a navel for a certain amount of time, and promptly had a giggling fit, before going back into the dorm and doing it to alot of people. Then he had a bill idea, that we could go and stargaze on the track, so we did. Lying in a very cheesy square, ala some kiddy music vid. We saw a shooting star! (which of course might be astronaut shit) and by then it was about 6++ so, we all fell asleep. Right there on the track.
I WAS THE FIRST TO WAKE UP FREEZING. Its actually really pretty there on the track :) AND BLOODY COLD AT THAT TIME ohman. The evelyn woke up, and didnt feel cold at first. Then she did, and we both stared at keenan (still sleeping) like THIS IS YOUR FAULT GRRRH HOW CAN YOU STILL SLEEP. Ed woke up, and I think 3 of us stoned till my alarm went off. Then 4 of us, very cold and stiff except for somebodae wheeled teh thingy all the way back to the dorms. Packed, went to some theatre, took photos, and went hoem FOR A BATH AND SLEEP AND ADD EVERYBODY ON MSN AND FACEBOOK haha. ok.
There camp post. Now I wanna be a GL next year so we can do the track thing again :)
On a seperate note, I miss Father peter, and I think ima go visit him soon. Its wierd how a catholic priest can see so much of the world staying in one place, and I think he can set me straight on the whole politics in school thingy. Actually, I think he can set me straight on anything with that voice */inside joke/
Peace out.